
Showing posts from March, 2018

How to break the CODE

Even if you are not a technology genius (I'm in that club πŸ™‹). You can still use a QR code. Now, if you are new to the technology game, you may be asking yourself as I did several weeks ago: "What is a QR code?" A QR code, similar to a bar code, contains an imbedded link or imbedded words. So when you scan the QR code, the words, web address, video, or file magically🎩 appear. QR stands for Quick Response and that's exactly what it is.  This QR code I made will take you to Populi πŸ˜‰ These codes are super fun for students to use for many reasons: It gives students responsibility It saves time Students do not have to carefully type out a web address that the teacher dictates It gives younger students an opportunity to learn more individually as well You may be wondering, as I was, "How are QR codes created? Could I possibly do that?" The answer is "YES, YOU CAN!" Just follow these steps: First you find your website o

Going Green 🌱

Green screen technology is a great way to get kids active in being creative, using technology, and expanding what they know about a topic. I would use green scree n technology in the classroom having kids explore using language arts more fluently by retelling a story, poem, or part of Scripture. These are the steps the students and I would follow: First I would put them in groups of 3-4 and let them choose what they are going to retell from a list of options. I would make sure that we have already examined and discussed these stories or poems in class. Their options would include poems, short stories, picture storybooks, sections of longer books, Bible stories, and passages of Scripture.  Then students would have to choose how they want to tell the story – such as by using a narrator and changing the backdrop pictures/videos or by acting it out and inserting different backgrounds. Once they have planned out their project, I would record the students in front of t