For or Against?

"Are you for or against technology in the classroom?" - This is a big question for educators.

The following are articles, I have researched on both sides of this topic πŸ–³

Articles in support of technology in the classroom:
Articles against technology in the classroom"
Throughout these articles I found some pros πŸ‘ and cons πŸ‘Ž of using technology in the classroom

Pros πŸ‘ - Technology in the classroom…

  • Helps students develop tech skills for success outside of school in the future 
  • Makes learning more interesting/fun
  • Lets students learn at their own pace – according to abilities and needs 
  • Puts students in an active role in the learning process 
  • Gives students more motivation for school work – more ways in which students can excel
  • Presents opportunities for students to develop technical skills
  • Helps students accomplish more complex assignments
  • Has students work together/collaborate in pairs/small groups
  • Increases the use of outside resources students used

Cons πŸ‘Ž - Technology in the classroom…

  • Decreases social interaction and personalization – community is missing
  • Lessens the work of the teacher and thereby their motivation for what they like to do = teach
  • Brings less student motivation less motivated since teachers are not as involved 
  • Is hard for some teachers to integrate – takes trial-and-error
  • Can be expensive, loud, and distracting
  • Disrupts systems already established by schools/teachers
  • Makes teaching more complex and brings change

Personal Opinion: I think that technology can be complicated at times and disruptive to students learning certain aspects. However, overall, I think technology does have a use in the classroom, and should not be shut out completely because of the many benefits it provides to both students and teachers. The whole education system should not be completely technological, but there should be a balance, and as teachers we should push past personal beliefs and emotions to provide what is best for students.


  1. Great insight Sharon.
    Prior to this I have always been almost 100% against technology. Both in my personal life and because of my beliefs. However you are right in saying that we do what is best for students. They are going to be confronted by technology eventually, rather than shut it off we must teach how it can compliment our teaching.

  2. I really liked your layout! I agree that technology should be balanced, too much of anything can be harmful; Not having any technology in the classroom, will turn off students who are used to technology. I love that you think about your students and what they need and what is best for them! Great job!


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