Reflecting on the Journey...

I have discovered many things this semester concerning technology in education. Some things were fun and interesting, while others were hard and tedious.
So I would like to take a few minutes to reflect on the journey I have been through this semester. 
  • I was a little nervous and apprehensive at the beginning of this class, because – despite what others may think – I have never considered myself a tech guru.
  • But over time in this class, I surprised myself with the scope of technology that I can use and what I have accomplished with it. 
  • It was definitely  not easy  or a  “walk in the park,” and many times I had to go back over concepts, applications, and directions.

There were many Ups and Downs and All-arounds


⮞When I first started doing my blog posts, I was FRUSTRATED that I had to learn a different way to write that was more personal than academic, in order to keep people ENGAGED.
  • But as I kept doing blog posts and using VDT (Visually Differentiated Text), they became easier and my VDT skills grew.
  • It was not as much of a struggle, but became exciting to transform my thoughts and see them be more than just words on the page.
  • I also think that by doing it, my academic writing style improved and I became more expressive in writing.
One of my favorite assignments was looking at QR codes.
  • It was fun seeing how they could be used and learning how to do something I never thought I would be able to do.
  • By learning about them, I was able to see more of the practical benefits of using technology in the classroom


Creating a unit of study that included using an educational app, was one of my least favorite assignments.
  • It took a long time to create, and I felt like I had no idea what I was doing.
  • By doing it, I did learn how to incorporate technology in lesson planning, but it really stretched my mind and knowledge (which was beneficial, but not fun). 
Also creating a parent contact log and google form to send updates to parents was more involved  than I thought it would be.
  • I had to follow the instructional youtube video to a “T” and pause it every ten seconds.
  • It was complex and time-consuming work, but it was also beneficial, and I hope I remember how to use it in the future (I’ll have to save that video link!).

All around:

After this class, I view technology as a tool in my teacher tool belt.
  • Just like any other tool, it must be used correctly in order to achieve the desired result.
  • For example, if I was going to hammer a nail, I would use the flat side of the hammer, not the curved side - so also there are right ways and wrong ways to use technology in the classroom. 
I am not sure if the country, city, or school where I teach will have tablets for students, or interactive whiteboards, or projectors, or even internet access. But wherever God leads me, my technology tool is ready to be used, and I am sure that it will be sharpened as I continue on in my teaching journey.


  1. I had so much fun learning all the different things we can do with technology in the classroom. We certainly need bigger belts!


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