Video of My Educational Philosophy

I have created a video highlighting my educational technology (see previous post).
To create my video I used a 7-day free trial from LightWorks
What I think about using LightWorks: 
  • Because I have never done anything like this before, I was pretty nervous about making this video. There were many times that I was extremely frustrated because the program was not doing what I wanted and I did not know how to do it.
  • But I eventually got the hang of it and once I figured many, many, many things out, I improved and it became easier.
  • With LightWorks, if you do not know how to do something, then it is hard to figure out how to do it, but once you know how to do it, it is easy.
My recommendation:
  • Use the tutorial videos, and remember it takes time to learn how to do something well
  • So do not get frustrated - just keep learning and doing your best
I watched this basic tutorial video many times to help: QuickStart
While it did help, it went through key things very quickly (which is why I watched parts of it a couple of times), and it also only deals with stringing videos together and not using pictures (which is what I did). After I figured out what to do though, it went quickly and easily.

Speaking of pictures, I found most of the pictures I used on Morguefile, Unsplash, and Pexels. These had many quality photos that are available to download for free without having to cite them.
  1. Unsplash is my favorite out of these three, because the pictures were high quality and were mostly related to my search topic.
  2. Morguefile did not have a lot of variety or high quality photos
  3. Pexels did not follow my search topic all the time.
My video can be viewed on YouTube by clicking here!
(P.S. I tried for a long time to use TeacherTube to upload the video but their sign up page kept being weird and it would not let me. If you figure it out, then let me know!)

Update on 5/8/18 - The TeacherTube support people finally got back to me and I was able to upload my video. Click here to view it on TeacherTube.


  1. That was great Sharon. I appreciate the 'extraordinary' comment about helping children to know their identity in Christ. Your video was excellent and I see you were able to do a PowerPoint for the beginning and ending, that's something I had trouble with.
    Thank you for sharing.


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