
Showing posts from April, 2018

My Educational Philosophy

Below you will find "My Educational Philosophy." This briefly explains what I believe about education and being a teacher. Enjoy! My Educational Philosophy I believe learning is not just knowing the answers to test questions, but it is... Understanding new concepts, Practicing them, and Being able to apply them in life.  My role as a teacher is to facilitate learning and provide an appropriate learning environment for my students. Teaching involves expanding students’ minds and imparting deeper knowledge to students, thereby causing them to grow .   As a teacher, in this time when so many children and teens have lost their identities, I am called to speak God’s identity and love into my students and prepare them for His destiny for their lives.  My goals in education are... For students to understand God’s amazing creation and world around them, and  For students to live differently as God’s lights in that world. In order to shine in the darkne

Classroom Management Q&A

Hey everyone! It's time ⏰ for some Q&A on Technology and Classroom Management . (Anyone else think I sound like a game show 🎀 host?)  But instead of you asking and me answering , I am going to ask AND answer. Feel free to post questions at the bottom and I will answer those too! πŸ˜€ Q1 : What day-to-day processes and procedures has technology made easier for you? What else might you use to help make routine tasks even easier? A1: Technology has definitely made lesson planning easier, because... I use the internet to find fun and interesting ideas I use Microsoft Word to type them out I also use Dropbox to store them online so I don’t lose them ⮞I think I could also use technology for routine tasks like grading and doing assessments in the future. I like the idea of tracking students’ data with technology and making charts comparing test scores or other things so students can be motivated to improve next time. πŸ“Š Q2 : How do you see technology supp

Why a Rubric is not a Rubik's Cube

  Yes πŸ‘ ,  they both have boxes. YesπŸ‘ , they both look confusing at first. But noπŸ‘Ž , they are not the same thing. So what am I talking about? I am talking about Rubrics NOT Rubik’s Cubes .  Rubrics’ boxes are not for moving around and adjusting like on a Rubik’s cube . But they are used to give students a score for certain assignments. Like the colors on a Rubik’s cube , the boxes on a rubric show students what the teacher’s expectations are and how they did. Rubrics have 3 main elements : Criteria – the main topics that are being examined in the project Descriptors – describe what each criteria should/could meet Performance scale – numbers that rate how students did in certain criteria Like how a Rubik’s cube can have 3x3 squares per side or 4x4 or 5x5, etc., so also a rubric can range from simple to complex. It really just depends on what the teacher prefers and needs for an assignment.✏  Here are some rubrics that I found for free on Tea

Tech Shortcuts to Good Communication

Communication is vital to life. And it is especially vital as a teacher working with students and their parents. πŸ‘ͺ Parents want to know how their students are doing, and communicating with parents benefits you as well as your students and parents. Involving parents in the learning process helps: Students be more motivated  Parents be more engaged Students achieve more Increase student accountability Form stronger relationships with the teacher Technology nowadays, provides teachers with shortcuts that help bridge  the communication gap between teachers and parents/students. 🍎 πŸŒ‰ πŸ‘ͺ Technology such as excel and google forms provide many benefits. Such as, Organized lists of parents, contact info, and when you contacted them  Reminders of who you need to contact Easy ways to send updates to parents And easy ways for parents to contact you  One way teachers can use technology to communicate is to create a parent contact log on an Excel