My Educational Philosophy

Below you will find "My Educational Philosophy." This briefly explains what I believe about education and being a teacher. Enjoy!

My Educational Philosophy

I believe learning is not just knowing the answers to test questions, but it is...
  • Understanding new concepts,
  • Practicing them, and
  • Being able to apply them in life. 
My role as a teacher is to facilitate learning and provide an appropriate learning environment for my students. Teaching involves expanding students’ minds and imparting deeper knowledge to students, thereby causing them to grow.  

As a teacher, in this time when so many children and teens have lost their identities, I am called to speak God’s identity and love into my students and prepare them for His destiny for their lives. 

My goals in education are...

  • For students to understand God’s amazing creation and world around them, and 
  • For students to live differently as God’s lights in that world.
In order to shine in the darkness, students need to be extraordinary in the work they do, in the words they speak, and in the behavior they have. Educational training is key to all of these areas

I will accomplish these goals...

  • By providing an environment in which all students will be able to succeed, and 
  • By differentiating instruction to meet individual student’s needs.

These things can be made easier by using technology.

Technology as a part of our world, is always changing and invading every area of our lives, including education.
⮞ I view technology as both distracting and beneficial in education.
When used correctly, technology excites and motivates students to learn; it gets them excited.

I will strive to incorporate technology in the classroom, and will continue to learn more about how to effectively use it for education. 

I believe that teachers never stop learning, and a successful teacher trains students to be life-long learners as well.


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