Classroom Management Q&A

Hey everyone! It's time ⏰ for some Q&A on Technology and Classroom Management. (Anyone else think I sound like a game show 🎀 host?) 

But instead of you asking and me answering, I am going to ask AND answer. Feel free to post questions at the bottom and I will answer those too! πŸ˜€
Q1: What day-to-day processes and procedures has technology made easier for you? What else might you use to help make routine tasks even easier?

A1: Technology has definitely made lesson planning easier, because...
  • I use the internet to find fun and interesting ideas
  • I use Microsoft Word to type them out
  • I also use Dropbox to store them online so I don’t lose them
⮞I think I could also use technology for routine tasks like grading and doing assessments in the future. I like the idea of tracking students’ data with technology and making charts comparing test scores or other things so students can be motivated to improve next time. πŸ“Š

Q2: How do you see technology supporting your efforts to maintain an orderly classroom environment? How might this translate into improved student behavior?

A2: One way I could do this is by tracking student behavior – positive and negative – and situations that arise in class to help see what students need additional help and instruction.
⮞Other options could be using apps to take roll, monitor student talking, and have digital timers. The ClassDojo App sounds interesting and helps with some of these aspects (I’ll have to test it out).
⮞Using technology can help students improve behavior because they know it is being monitored and behavior problems are addressed more consistently.

Q3: Explain how technology can help strengthen and support the home-school connection.

A3: Home/parents and school/teachers are very different places for children, but the amazing thing is that when you connect the two, children benefit academically, socially, and behavior.
⮞Like was talked about in a previous post, technology helps parents and teachers work together to support each other and the students. πŸ‘ͺ
⮞The main way technology does this is through forms of communication, such as: classroom websites, newsletters, email/text

Q4: What do you see as the greatest value technology has to offer with regard to managing time, space, and people?

A4: My two greatest values for technology concerning classroom management are... 
  1. Researching fun methods, activities, games and making creative lesson plans 🎲
  2. Parent-teacher communication to increase student’s chances for success πŸ’¬
  3. If I had to add a third one, it would be keeping track of student information like behavior and grades πŸ˜‰
Like I said above πŸ‘†, if you have any other questions about this topic, that you would like my opinion on, please feel free to comment below πŸ‘‡! 


  1. I like your idea about making charts to motivate students. One thing that has changed the behavior in my class is by using positive reinforcement. Rather than focusing on the bad behavior I praise my students more frequently. The change has been a complete 180 and my stress level has reduced!
    Thank you for your input.


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