Tech Shortcuts to Good Communication

Communication is vital to life. And it is especially vital as a teacher working with students and their parents. πŸ‘ͺ

Parents want to know how their students are doing, and communicating with parents benefits you as well as your students and parents. Involving parents in the learning process helps:
  • Students be more motivated 
  • Parents be more engaged
  • Students achieve more
  • Increase student accountability
  • Form stronger relationships with the teacher

Technology nowadays, provides teachers with shortcuts that help bridge  the communication gap between teachers and parents/students. πŸŽπŸŒ‰πŸ‘ͺ

Technology such as excel and google forms provide many benefits. Such as,

  • Organized lists of parents, contact info, and when you contacted them 
  • Reminders of who you need to contact
  • Easy ways to send updates to parents
  • And easy ways for parents to contact you 

One way teachers can use technology to communicate is to create a parent contact log on an Excel spreadsheet that keeps track of when, why, and how you contacted your student’s parent(s). The one I created is found in my Google drive folder below

Another tech tool (πŸ’»πŸ› ) you can use is Google forms. Some options for using this one are:

  1. Creating a form to send out updates via email to parents – I used this Video  and these Instructions to do so. It seems like a lot of work at first, but it is definitely rewarding because it makes communication easier in the long run. My version is found in my Google drive folder below 
  2. Creating a form to set up parent/teacher conferences. This Video Link shows you how to make it. This one, I did not do, but it seems pretty simple and helpful for teachers and parents.

Here is the link to my google folder: Communication for Educational Technology
Technology such as excel and google forms can also be used to DESK or ….. 

  • Do sign-ups for field trips and special events
  • Evaluate parental support
  • Send notifications about homework and big assignments
  • Keep beginning of the year student and parent lists 

Let’s use technology to get communicating! 


  1. Great job on this assignment! I love your use of VDT in this blog entry as well as your demonstrated understanding of the need for communication and ways to help us stay organized in our communication as professionals.

  2. This was great! I kept looking at yours to make sure I did mine correctly!! Loved you DESK acronym, so simple and easy to remember!

  3. Your layout went so smooth, I was able to follow along just as the video taught. I especially appreciate the instructions for Google forms. You have excellent details and good pointers about communication. Great job Sharon!


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