
Showing posts from January, 2018

My 5 Apps

Apps are a great way to further implement fun and creativity into schoolwork and the classroom. If I had a classroom and my school had just purchased Android Tablets for the students, these are 5 apps that I would integrate in my classroom! 1)       Kahoot! – Is a fun quiz app. Teachers can put in review sheets to make quiz games that can be played in class or at home if students have the app. Students can also challenge each other from different devices and by doing so make their own “study group.” 2)       Multiplication Table Kids Math – Can be for many ages from 2 nd -6 th grade. I remember writing my multiplication tables each day in elementary! This is a fun way for kids to review and study their multiplication skills. Kids can also duel each other by using a slit screen.     3)       Sand Draw Sketch Drawing Pad: Creative Doodle Art – Instead of getting out the paper and pencil, kids can use this app to “draw in the sand.” It can be used for ga

Chapter 3 Highlights

Chapter 3 “Technology to Support Literacy Instruction in English Language Arts” By reading this chapter my eyes πŸ‘€ have been opened to see how technology can be used in regards to language arts such as reading, spelling, phonics, literature, and writing. The following ar e HIGHLIGHTS from the chapter that I think are good things to integrate into a classroom. ·          Concerning re adingπŸ“– – which is highlighted as arguable the most important subject in school – one easy technology I would like to implement are read-aloud books that are interactive and provide visual and auditory support to help different style learners. ·          For vocabulary , one of my favorite ideas that the chapter gave, was word clouds which are “graphical representations of text” (page 59). These can be generated using Wordle or similar websites , and they help students to see the words in a different way which can help them remember in another way (maybe I like it because I am a

We Are Teachers - an online community

I recently joined the online community We Are Teachers ( ). Who are they? We Are Teachers has several helpful articles about all kinds of subjects (including technology!). These articles are submitted by experienced teachers many of who have other blogs and groups you can follow or join. You are also able to submit questions that the online community will answer.   What do they have? We Are Teachers has many available resources. Such as.... Classroom ideas Free Printables - like the ones  about classroom tech rules pictured below Career advice Life and wellbeing subjects Discounts and deals for teachers from different stores And a favorite would be...... Contests! Some of their fun ideas and relevant tips are..... How to boost your immune system Having a feasible workout schedule as a teacher Cool ties, dresses, and leggings for teachers Instant pot recipes for during school days And cheap incentives students can get

Links to Oklahoma's Technology Standards

The following are website links showing Oklahoma's Educational Technology Standards . These technology standards ensu re that teachers AND students.... Ar e constantly growing and learning how to use technology Make sure that they use technology to benefit education and help us grow Technology standards encourage.... S tudents E ducators A dministrators, and  I nstructional technology coaches be creative and to use technology to benefit education inside and outside the classroom I hope they will help you see how schools are implementing technology and the value of   technology in the classroom!


About Me . I am a student at Family of Faith Christian University. I have grown up going to Family of Faith Church and Christian School in Shawnee, Oklahoma, my whole life, and I am even able to walk to school each day. But even though I have lived here my whole life, I have an international family! International Family means two things for me. 1)       The first is that some of my physical family lives overseas internationally. 2)       The second is that my spiritual family that God has connected me with, is spread out all around the world. I have been privileged to go on 4 international mission trips to 3 different nations over the last 2 years. During these trips I have connected with God’s family in these nations and they have become my family as well! Family of Faith Christian University. So why would I choose Family of Faith Christian University for my college education if I have been here my whole life? Well, that has a complicated, but easy answer: Go