
About Me. I am a student at Family of Faith Christian University. I have grown up going to Family of Faith Church and Christian School in Shawnee, Oklahoma, my whole life, and I am even able to walk to school each day. But even though I have lived here my whole life, I have an international family!

International Family means two things for me.

1)      The first is that some of my physical family lives overseas internationally.

2)      The second is that my spiritual family that God has connected me with, is spread out all around the world.

I have been privileged to go on 4 international mission trips to 3 different nations over the last 2 years. During these trips I have connected with God’s family in these nations and they have become my family as well!

Family of Faith Christian University. So why would I choose Family of Faith Christian University for my college education if I have been here my whole life? Well, that has a complicated, but easy answer: God told me. Growing up at Family of Faith, I have learned…

·         That God has a destiny for my life

·         And that He has steps for me to take in each area of my life

So I asked God where He wanted me to go to college, and He told me to remain where I was for further preparation and training.

Education and Teaching. Since, I was a little girl with chubby cheeks, I have wanted to be a teacher and would play school with my stuffed animals. I remember helping classmates and seeing them understand something that was once confusing. God put a desire in me to teach people and has given me a heart for children. Also, I have had many amazing teachers, and still do. They have impacted me in many ways and been examples in my life. It is because of these things, that I want to be a teacher. I want to be someone who shows children God’s love and destiny for their lives and helps them to reach it. That is my definition of a teacher.

Technology and Me. Even though I am considered to be in the generation of “Millennials,” I am not a huge technology guru, but I do enjoy technology and think it can be useful.

·         Personally, technology can be used to make many things easier and accessible – like communicating with my international family. At the same time, it can also be a distraction and take our attention off of what really matters like God and people around us.

·         Professionally, technology has many amazing uses that I am excited to learn about this semester. It can provide new and creative ideas, teaching methods, and learning techniques that help students to grow.

In everything, technology should be moderated and used to benefit us and help us learn.


  1. Sharon you were born a teacher! It is amazing how God can speak to us. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us.

  2. Yay!!! Go Sharon! I'm happy to be studying to become a future teacher with you!

  3. I agree with Pati! I love watching you teach! Can't wait to see where God takes you!


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