Chapter 3 Highlights

Chapter 3 “Technology to Support Literacy Instruction in English Language Arts”

By reading this chapter my eyes 👀 have been opened to see how technology can be used in regards to language arts such as reading, spelling, phonics, literature, and writing.

The following are HIGHLIGHTS from the chapter that I think are good things to integrate into a classroom.

·         Concerning reading📖 – which is highlighted as arguable the most important subject in school – one easy technology I would like to implement are read-aloud books that are interactive and provide visual and auditory support to help different style learners.

·         For vocabulary , one of my favorite ideas that the chapter gave, was word clouds which are “graphical representations of text” (page 59). These can be generated using Wordle or similar websites, and they help students to see the words in a different way which can help them remember in another way (maybe I like it because I am a visual person 👀)
·         The section on poetry gave many useful poetry websites and shared that there are many poetry games and information available online that can cultivate children’s love of poetry💖. I think this is really great and will definitely use these resources because sometimes poetry can be neglected or seen as boring, and certain technology activities can make them come alive

·         Writing skillscan also be influenced by technology. One thing that the chapter mentioned was that students can use spelling games in which their spelling lists are implemented. This would definitely help them study in a hands on✋way instead of just writing them 3x each.

·         Lastly, technology💻is very useful in helping students find information that they need for different writing assignments📝 and as the teacher I will model how to navigate correctly

The chapter did a good job showing how important language arts are such as reading, phonics, and writing, and it also mentioned that these technology tools🔧are supportive in nature and should not stand alone or replace instruction from the teacher, but they provide other beneficial methods and reinforcement for students.


  1. This is so true. I learned how much technology can be integrated into all subjects. At the beginning of this course I was really against using technology, but now I'm excited to use it all in the classroom!

  2. My favorite was poetry especially finding out that April is National Poetry Month. As teachers we should help our students to be excited about poetry or any subject we find important. Integrating all these new ways will help our students to be successful.
    The text is a bit hard to see on this blog, maybe a darker color would help. Overall great job and thank you for sharing!


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