We Are Teachers - an online community

I recently joined the online community We Are Teachers (https://www.weareteachers.com/).

Who are they?

We Are Teachers has several helpful articles about all kinds of subjects (including technology!). These articles are submitted by experienced teachers many of who have other blogs and groups you can follow or join. You are also able to submit questions that the online community will answer. 

What do they have?
We Are Teachers has many available resources. Such as....
  • Classroom ideas
  • Free Printables - like the ones  about classroom tech rules pictured below
  • Career advice
  • Life and wellbeing subjects
  • Discounts and deals for teachers from different stores
  • And a favorite would be......Contests!
Some of their fun ideas and relevant tips are.....
  • How to boost your immune system
  • Having a feasible workout schedule as a teacher
  • Cool ties, dresses, and leggings for teachers
  • Instant pot recipes for during school days
  • And cheap incentives students can get excited about
Some of their technology articles include....
  • Different google chrome extensions for students,
  • Apps to use as teachers and students when coming back to school
  • Technology and apps for improving teaching skills
  • And different fun and relevant TED talks to use in the classroom 

What did I learn? 

I learned a lot through We Are Teachers.

Mostly, I saw the big scope of information and resources available to teachers and that technology can be integrated into the classroom in simple ways.

There is a lot of technology and its resources available for secondary students, but there are also some ways to use it for elementary students. The question is how much should they use?

(Also, I found out there are some very cool teacher dresses, ties, and leggings available! Here's the links ;) 
  • https://www.weareteachers.com/teacher-dresses-ms-frizzle/  
  • https://www.weareteachers.com/teacher-ties/
  • https://www.weareteachers.com/best-teacher-leggings/ 

So check out We Are Teachers and see what fun, creative, and helpful things you find and comment about them below!


  1. There is a variety of printables that I can apply in my classroom. They are creative and colorful which you do not find easily. They have many free stuff and you can participate in giveaways which I could not pass up.

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Wow! This is such a cool online community and very resourceful! Was there anything that you didn't like about We Are Teachers? Does it has Christian values?

    1. I don't think it is Christian based. I saw one article about your teacher's horoscope for the new year which made me sad and was one think that I didn't like. Some of the articles may include some Christian values; I think it would just depend on the author.


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